How do I know which size to order?
When it comes to bras, it is important to know the right size. You should ask yourself the following questions:
- Does the bra clasp slide up the back? Then you should choose a smaller size, e.g. from 80 to 75. Please note that you will also have to change the letter so that the cup size remains the same.
That means:
Number becomes one size smaller = letter becomes one size larger.
Number becomes one size larger = letter becomes one size smaller.
- Does the underwire press into my breasts from the side? Then you should choose one or two letters higher, e.g. from C to D or E.
Here is an example:
You are currently wearing a 80C. The bra doesn't feel comfortable and rides up your back. The bra also cuts into your breasts in an unattractive way.
One possibility would be:
1. Go one size smaller from 80 to 75 + from C to D.
2. Go up one letter so that the cup is no longer too small. So from D to E. The new size could therefore be a 75E.
If you are not sure, we recommend that you take advantage of our free size consultation via WhatsApp.
Which hook should I use to fasten the bra?
For new bras, always use the outermost hook.
The two inner ones are there so that you can adjust the bra as it expands through wear and washing, allowing you to wear it for much longer.
Do you have any further questions?
Feel free to send us an email to contact@lamuel.de
or via WhatsApp to 017480019991